Jasmine Diane

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How to Create an Irresistible Instagram

Are you ready to experience gaining authentic followers every day? I know it feels impossible to grow with algorithm updates and everyone seems to be using engagement bots, but that is not the case. There is another way to grow on Instagram. Here are practical tips for creating an irresistible Instagram profile. 

Create a consistent color scheme

Why? I'm glad that you've asked. Colors schemes are visually appealing and people love it. There are a ton of examples that I could use for this post. Some of my favorite Instagrammers to check out with kick-butt color schemes are @abeautifulmess and @heartofchic.

Consistency is key people. Rather it’s an actual color scheme or filter, stick with it. Using a consistent filter gives your profile a feeling of togetherness. Having a consistent color scheme also gives your followers an idea of what to expect. Instagrammers don't want surprises unless its Beyonce slaying some new music or a surprise performance. All in all, I want you to pick 3 colors or less and stick to them. I've committed to black and white on my Instagram, @thejasminediane. 

Figure out why people are following you and deliver more of that

Which types of posts get the most likes and comments? Post more and more of that jaw-dropping content. Look at the subject and form of content that draws engagement from your audience. Test out different content types for your audience. You may want to create a video series surrounding faith on IGTV or a #MakeupMonday series on your IG feed. Don’t be afraid to ditch the picture-perfect feed for something that looks/feels a little cluttered.

Get over yourself and follow like-minded Instagrammers

THIS ONE IS BIG!!! When you step out into the big world, you realize that there are a ton of people better than you at everything. Stop competing and being arrogant about followers. It's time to connect with people + brands for inspiration. Seeing other creatives post their works inspires me.

I love to read quotes and post them to my page from time to time, but they are always on my feed because of the types of people that I follow. Stop taking this Instagram stuff so seriously and learn to enjoy it. Your newsfeed across any given social media channel should inspire you and not leave you mentally drained. 

Be functional with your message

Being functional with your message means using all of Instagram’s functions to share your message. I know a lot of people are hesitant to share video content, especially live, but you can do it. I encourage you to share videos and static posts in your feed, videos in your Stories, and videos via IGTV. You can share 10 tips for Instagram success in a list within your post, show examples in your Stories, and talk through each tip in your IGTV video. Stop thinking that you are confined to your profile. You are not.

Engage= commenting, liking, and sharing other people’s post

Flex your engagement muscles to comment on content that you like. I like to comment on posts right before and after I post my own content. It never hurts to leave a quick reply to comments on your post, too. I think people are more likely to engage with you when they know you will reply. If you are struggling with engagement on your content, look at your analytics, and find similarities in top and bottom-performing content. Once you start to see trends, try to post only what performs best to your profile, and post the least performing content that you like to your Stories.

Helpful Instagram Blog Posts:

  1. 5 Reasons Why No One is Following You on Instagram

  2. How I Gained Over 1k Instagram Followers in Less Than 3 Months

  3. 3 Super Important Things to Consider For Personal Branding

Okay, I'm done preaching about Instagram and I seriously hope that these posts were helpful. I love Instagram and my following has grown tremendously in recent months, so I wanted to share.

Thank you for reading how to create an irresistible Instagram profile. Don't forget to follow me on Instagram @thejasminediane! Peace.