Forget the Past and Be Fearless


I have to confess that I am a perfectionist in every area of my life. I always strive for success and that is why I have challenged myself to embrace who I am. Since starting Jasmine Diane I have grown as a woman, friend, sister, and businesswoman. Simply put I have taken ahold of my life and future by working hard. Now some might say that this is a part of growing up, but my question to you is "What do you want for yourself?" Where do you want to be in 5 years and what steps are you taking to get there?

It is time to get rid of old thinking and old ways.

If you want success and freedom from opinions you have to choose to embrace who you really are. I've struggled with my weight, hair, image, business, etc. for a while now, but I choose not to be consumed with these things. It is my hope to always see the beauty in things because God made all things good. Nothing can hold you back, but the walls that you build inside your mind. God gave us all free will and prayer. We have to choose to go after our hearts desires. Your dreams and girls are not random, but they are directly in line with your calling from God. Embracing your physical, mental, and social flaws does not mean ignoring them but learning to grow from them. Use your strengths as glue and your weaknesses as building blocks. You can be anything that you want to be in this world.

I started Girl Talk to open up dialogue between you all and myself. I love fashion so much that I could not let it go, but when I started Jasmine Diane I knew that God lead me here to inspire the souls of women. Life is merely a time in space. Nothing matters except for what you do for other people and how you impact lives. Get yourself together so that you can use your gifts in the right way. If you are a perfectionist like myself it will never feel like the right time. You just have to go for it. Be fearless and firm in your beliefs and actions. You are amazing!

Okay so now that I have spilled my guts I hope that you will come back for more girl talk and fashion advice. Until next time, follow me on instagram & twitter.  Toodles!

Ps. Don't forget to be fearless.

Lifestylejasmine diane