Fashion and Scripture in 2014


I am bringing more fashion photography and scripture to


this year! I am going to be doing weekly photo shoots and giving stylists the opportunity to display their work monthly on


. I will keep a scripture along with a gospel spoken word piece or song on the


sidebar. This blog is about more than fashion. The goal of


is to inspire your style and intrigue your style.

I have added a few new things as well. I hired 1 contributing writing,


. I have also started a few partnerships with local businesses. I will bringing you the hottest, local brands and cosmetics that Kansas City has to offer until I expand. I love supporting small businesses, so staying local is super important to me. I want to see my peers dreams come true. There are some truly talented people in Kansas City and I believe that everyone deserves a shot at greatness. I want to help businesses grow and expand TheeFashionStories in the process.


House of Rena

Eyedentitee Theft

EGO Cosmetics

Nya Marie

Go ahead and check out their websites for a preview of their lines. I will be doing posts including products from their lines very soon! If there is a brand that you love or product that you would like for me to review then please email me.

When I started


last November I did not have a clear goal or plan, but now I do. I want to bring hope and inspiration to young women. I want to encourage women to never give up, so I am committed to sharing my faith on my blog. My light is going to shine brighter than ever this year. I am challenging you to let your light shine just as bright! It is time to walk into your destiny!

Thank you so much for supporting


. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please leave a comment below. Stay warm and safe this winter!

Much Love,

Jas the Stylist

Ps. I am torn between my short hair cut and extensions. Suggestions?

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