Top Advice for Female Biz Owners

Photos by Steven G

Are you a hard-working female entrepreneur? Tired of confusion with your branding? Looking for inspiration to kick-start the new year?

Great, you’re in the right spot to learn how to do business better in 2020.

Now is the time to start identifying what did and did not work for your business in 2019. Here is a shortlist of questions to ask yourself ahead of reading Top Advice for Female Entrepreneurs.

Ask Yourself These Questions:

  1. What did I accomplish for my business in 2019?

  2. How much revenue did I generate in 2019?

  3. What did I dislike about my business in 2019?

  4. What investments did I make in my business and myself in 2019?

  5. What plans do I have for business growth and retention in 2020?

Be Creative

Look at your business from a different lens. When was the last time you thought about what your consumers want out of life?

Use surveys and polls to really get to know your consumers. For example, I focus on marketing but decided to do a few fitness challenges last Fall because I got A LOT of buzz from my Instagram Stories where I was out of breath after Zumba.

This let me know that my followers/content consumers enjoyed fitness in a video format, so I created challenges and post to my Stories. It was a win, win.

Get creative with the type of content you produce and where you share that content. It could be that your consumers want physical merchandise from you and NOT just digital downloads.

It could be that your visuals are boring and need a fresh look. Click here to shop digital assets to level up your branding.

Write Down Your Goals

Female entrepreneurs have to write down their goals. You can’t work towards goals that aren’t top of mind. I like to keep goals for every area of my life on my laptop and desk. Think about what you hope to accomplish as a woman, business owner, spouse, etc. in 2020.

Once you have your ideas in mind, take pen to paper. You won’t regret it.

Have Fun

We spend way more time in our adult lives working than partying, so have fun with it. Make your business fun by ordering new stationery, traveling for conferences, collaborating with other businesses, etc.

Fun helps to spark creativity. When female entrepreneurs enjoy their work they are more productive and less likely to throw in the towel in their business. I stopped doing design work for a few years because it wasn’t fun anymore. The extra money wasn’t worth the stress of finding clients and drafting contracts. Honestly, my lack of organization didn’t help but that is a story for a different day.

Choose to enjoy the work that you do so that you create better work for your consumers and make more money for your family. You got this!

Set Daily Priorities

Each journey starts with a single step.

Female entrepreneurs have to set daily and weekly priorities. Think about your biggest goals and chop them down into daily tasks. Make sure you pencil in time for yourself. It’s very easy to lose your self when you’re busy as a business owner, full-time employee, wife, and mother.

You’ll be better in each role when you spend time pampering yourself and resting. Make time to get your hair, nails, and facials done.

Get An Accountability Partner

Female entrepreneurs need accountability. It is easy to set goals, especially at the beginning of a year. It is hard to stay on top of your goals when times get hard and your schedule is bananas.

This is where your accountability partner comes in. You need an honest accountability partner who will encourage you, push you, and not allow you to quit.

Click here to download a list of 15 apps I use to manage my branding business. Thanks for reading!

Ps. Leave your top advice for Female entrepreneurs in the comment section below.

BusinessJasmine Diane