Advice for 20 Somethings

skirt / top / shoes (similar) / photographed by steven g

Your 20s really shape and define your adult life. It is when you date seriously, pick a career, and start to make large investments, like buying a home and car. Here are a couple of things that I’ve learned throughout the last decade.

1. Your ideas are valid. Use your time and energy to explore different industries, states, countries, and more. You have so much life ahead of you.

2. You SHOULD book that trip. You will never have more time and freedom to explore the world without responsibility.

3. You can make mistakes. Nobody is going to make them for you. Stand strong in your decisions.

4. You will fail at some things and you will survive those failures. Failure is often God’s way of redirecting us.

5. You don’t need to be like anyone else. God made you beautiful, unique, and smart.

Ps. What advice would you give your 20 year-old self?

LifestyleJasmine Diane