RoseSkinCo Lumi - IPL Review

Do you struggle with unwanted body or facial hair? Me too. It is the absolute worst. Hormonal hair can be a beast to deal with for women, especially for my fellow PCOS cysters. I hate those moments when I realize that I forgot to shave or clip unwanted hair and I’m already dressed for the day with my makeup on. That is why I am so excited to share my results of using the RoseSkinCo Lumi - IPL Hair Removal Handset with you. Let’s get into it!

RoseSkinCo reached out to me to review their NEW Lumi and I fell in love with the product. I was skeptical about the product at first, as someone who has experienced professional laser hair removal treatments that were expensive and very painful. Not to mention the hours that I’ve spent shaving and getting waxes. But the Lumi is affordable and painless.

My Lumi Experience

I tested out the Lumi on my left arm and was very pleased with my results (pics below). In just a few weeks with minimal treatments, the part of my arm that I treated with the Lumi has far less hair follicles than the rest of my arm. I used the Lumi for 1-2 minutes every week over the course of 6 weeks and have relatively no hair in the treatment spot. The hair on my arm is now sparse and finer than the hair on my non treated arm. The Lumi is a game changer!

Lumi 101

Lumi is a light-based device that was designed to help you achieve permanent hair reduction at home. Permanent hair reduction means a long-term reduction of the quantity of hair in the treated area once you’ve completed a full cycle of treatments (treatment length varies based upon the thickness of hair and hormones).

Lumi does this by using Intense Pulsed Light or (IPL) technology to target unwanted hairs at the root with gentle light pulses causing them to grow back slower after each session until completely hair-free!

How To Use Lumi At Home  

  1. Wash and shave the desired treatment area.

  2. Place Lumi flat against your skin in the spot you wish to treat. 

  3. You should now see the indicator light start to blink. This means it is ready to pulse. 

  4. You can now quickly click the pulse button, and you will notice your Lumi pulse. That spot has now been treated and you can move Lumi to the next spot. 

  5. Repeat these steps until the entire area you wish to treat has been treated. 

Moisturize your skin after treatment. RoseSkinCo’s aloe coconut body lotion smells so good! (Watch my video using the Lumi here.)

The Lumi has various modes which makes various size areas easier to accommodate. If you’re nervous about using at home, the stamp mode will put you at ease. Here are the 3 different modes that the Lumi functions in: 

Stamp Mode: With Stamp Mode each individual click of the pulse button causes a flash. This is the default mode on the Handset, it is perfect for precision areas like the underarms, bikini area and face.

Glide Mode: Hold down the pulse button and glide the handset across your body your handset will automatically flash every half second. Perfect to quickly and precisely treat areas such as your arms and torso.

Auto Mode: Hold down the pulse button away from your skin until all indicator lights are blinking. This will make the handset flash every half second it is in contact with your skin, without clicking anything. Perfect to quickly and effortlessly treat your legs.

3 Reasons Why You Should Try the Lumi

  1. Painless hair removal: I have a really low pain tolerance and the Lumi wasn’t painful to me at all. I also didn’t have to turn the settings up very high to achieve my results. 

  2. Affordable hair removal: The Lumi is less than $200. I have paid well over $1,000 for laser hair removal in the past and it did not last for more than 1 year.

  3. Sleek and cute design: I’m a sucker for cute things on my dresser and the Lumi is adorable. It doesn’t stick out like a sore thumb amongst my perfumes and lotions on my dresser.

Have you tried laser hair removal? Tell me about your experience and results. Did they last? Were you pleased with the results? You can purchase the RoseSkinCo Lumi - IPL Hair Removal Handset here.

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