Post Grad Life: 1.5 Years Later

It's been a year and some change since I graduated from the University of Missouri. Time is literally flying. I turned 24 last month and can still remember the craziness of my 21st birthday in college. College days are a thing of the past that I still yearn from at times, but I've come to realize that I can't go back. Working 40+ hours per week forever is quite depressing unless you love what you do. I'm still learning what I love and deciding what I want for myself professionally, mentally and emotionally.

I am still working, working and working at my first real job aka an ad agency. I've learned so much about social media, work/life balance, myself and the world as a whole from this place. Recently, I've taken on a leadership roll at my church overseeing our social media channels and helping to strategize the future of our church brand. I could go on and on about how God has changed my world since I began working at my church. I'm more confident in my skills and encouraged to live God's best in every area of my life. 

In the last year, I've transformed into someone who observes before reacting just through trials and triumphs experienced via employment. My advice to you is to apply for jobs that aren't in your area of interests, get your feet wet writing, read books and try new things! 

Ya girl still lives with gramps. I have made it a goal to move out next Fall. I've started saving for the move and buying small pieces of furniture so that I don't have to start completely over. The major takeaway here is that I need to save $3k in less than a year to move out comfortably. I want to move into a loft or studio apartment solo dolo so I can decorate super fancy. My Pinterest apartment board is full of inspiration. Hit that link to indulge!

1. Pay off private loan by Jan 1, 2017
2. Treat myself to a spa day Jan 1, 2017
3. Meet goal weight of 165lbs by Jan 1, 2017

Nope... I may or may not have downloaded a dating app recently. #notsorry

Cheers to new beginnings! I'm almost done paying off one of my student loans, which has brought my student loan total debt down a tiny bit. If you're struggling with paying off your student loans the best advice I can give you is to always pay something, even if it's just $20/check. That $20 will add up to $480 in a year verses $0. Every little bit counts!

Events back to back, always yes, always moving and that pretty much sums up my reality. 2016 has been the busiest year of my life. Recently I've began working out with a trainer and eating better. I want to get back to my lean, fit self before the year ends. I'll share pictures once I'm confident enough. If you follow me on snapchat then you know I put in work at the gym, too.

Questions (Please comment below.)
1. What are you looking forward to as 2016 comes to a close?
2. What have you accomplished? 

There you have it, my life 1.5 years after graduating from college in a nutshell. I'm so proud of all that God has graced me to accomplish. I'm really excited about planning out 2017 and crushing a lot of my goals, both big and small. Don't forget to follow me on instagram @thejasminediane!