How to Nail Your Big Girl Job After a Stellar Interview

Getting my first job

It's finally here, your first in-person interview for your dream job! The interview went great, I mean nothing but great vibes and they practically threw the job offer in your face. Now what? First, you play it cool during the interview as they show you around the office and spill all of the job perks. Remember, they need to fill the position just as a bas as you need the paycheck. Once you snag the job, read 3 important lessons I've learned since working full-time.

Look the Interviewer in the Eyes with a Firm Handshake
Eye contact throughout your interview is a major key. Once your interview is over and you've asked about the follow-up process make sure you maintain eye contact. You want to stand up straight and come across confident and collected at the end of an interview. Always ask for a card to followup with the interview. You'll need their email and employment address to do the next two steps. Bonus: Ask the interview about the background for small nuggets to add to the followup email and thank you card.
Send a Follow-up Email
Be sure to include a small note about the interview in your follow-up email. Send your email before the end of the business hours the day of your interview. This step tells the interviewer that you appreciate them taking time out of their busy schedule to interview you. Keep it short and sweet, nothing over 4 sentences! Bonus: Attach your resume for them to reference!

Send a Hand Written Thank You Card
Do not buy the thank you card before the interview OR send something with your initials on it. Go buy a thank you card that speaks to your interviewers personality right after your interview and be sure to add personal notes about the interview. Compliment the interviewer and highlight the fact that you enjoyed speaking with them. Do not ask any questions about the next steps in their hiring process, but instead tell them that you look forward to hearing back from them!

Thanks for reading and staying until the end. I hope this post was insightful for you! I followed these steps to a tee which lead me to slaying day one at an ad agency. Put in work to get the job and you'll be more equipped to do the job!