3 Habits To a Healthy Marriage

Photos: Muenfa

Marriage is such a beautiful thing. Steven and I have been married for 6 blissful months. It is a blessing to do life with your best friend. Have you read our wedding story? You can read about our spontaneous wedding here. It’s hard to imagine life before I became a wife although it was just earlier this year. Time flies when you’re having fun and sex. Ha. Keep reading to learn 2 habits to a healthy marriage!

Spontaneous Dates

Spontaneous dates are my absolute favorite. I love when Steven and I run to the grocery store then end up at the donut shop for an hour. We can sit and talk for hours about anything and everything or nothing at all. One of my most treasured memories was eating bar food at 4am on the floor of an Airbnb in Brooklyn in our durags. You don’t always have to plan a perfect evening. Honestly, perfect timing rarely comes when you both work full-time, are entrepreneurs and work in ministry. Make time for your marriage to flourish.

Netflix and Chill

There’s truly nothing like being at home with Steven to Netflix and chill. Our home is our safe space. You should make sure your home is filled with peace, love, snacks, and romance. I pray over our home every day, make sure it smells like relaxing oils, and is clean so we can relax. It’s hard to relax when your home is chaotic. Spend some time binge-watching a few series on Netflix and let your hubby pick the movie sometimes. Ha. Steven and I have different movie interests but often compromise for each other. Marriage is all about give and take.

Go The Extra Mile

Your spouse is your partner, but also your responsibility. It’s important to go the extra mile sometimes. I try to make sure Steven has fresh coffee each morning and clean clothes everyday. The extra mile means getting up early to cook his lunch or ironing his clothes for church while he sleeps in. It doesn’t always have to be big things, but it is important to go the extra mile. We all like to be spoiled, but think about how good you can make your spouse feel by spoiling them. Trust me, they will return the favor.

I pray that this post was inspiring for married couples and dating couples. Sometimes we get stuck in ruts, but kind gestures and alone time go a long way. God made marriage and he makes no mistakes. Stay encouraged!

Ps. It has been awhile since my last blog posts. Follow along with my crazy, busy life on Instagram @thejasminediane. Peace.