10 YouTube Videos Every Black Woman Needs to Watch

Today I'm sharing 10 YouTube videos every Black women needs to watch. I'm a sucker for a good motivational speech. Isn't everyone? 

Sometimes I get tired of listening to music at work, so I started listening to sermons and motivational speeches. Below are links to videos that make boring and scary days better. I hope that post inspires you beyond measure!

Topic #1: Celibacy

You may or may not be sexually active, but these videos stirred up something in me on my purity journey. Yes, it's a journey not a race and it ain't always pretty. It's always good to hear from someone who gets it or just pure encouragement. 

Topic #2: Life and Hope

Sometimes life can be heavy to the point of hopelessness. It never hurts to hear from women who are making moves. It feels good to hear "You can do this" from women who look like you. I chose these videos because they've inspired me at dark moments. Remember, we all go through the valley but we don't have to stay there.

Topic #3: Love

This one might just be my favorite. I've been a hopeless romantic since I can remember. The idea of love and feeling of being in love keep my mind going on most days. There's just something about being valued and cared for by a man. Nothing wrong with being single, but boy does having someone in your corner to date, grow with and hold hands with feel good. Wait for the right one. These videos are both powerful with a different message. 

Thank you for reading and staying until the very end! What did you think of these videos? Which one was your fav?

Please do me a favor and share this post with your girls. In the meantime, follow me on InstagramTwitter and Pinterest. Peace.